Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:58 am

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

NOTICE OF USAGE This website may contain content which you do not agree to or may not understand. If you persist on exploring this web domain be aware that any person or party with relation(association) to Jagex LTD or Moparscape are not allowed here to view our content. Any person who would disclose information of this websites private features to any corporation/company or any entity(including Moparscape Jagex LTD) are not allowed to view content here. This domain is privately owned and operated with no commercial application or gain. If you use our links or downloads you fully comply and agree to any and all terms on this website. Upon accepting the terms of service you also agree that any rules, notices and or content may change at owner's discretion. DENIAL OF SERVICE Please note that anyone working for, working with, or otherwise affiliated with the following: -Jagex LTD -Moparscape Is not entitled to use or view our products. If you are affiliated with any of the aforementioned companies or corperations, please direct your browser away from this page immediately. Anyone from the aforementioned companies who persists into entering the website past this prompt will have a victim impact statement filed against them as per the NET Act of 1997, section (d)(1), paragraph (2), subsection (A). In short: No one from "Jagex LTD" or "Moparscape" or its Related companies is permitted to enter these web sites or view any content contained within these sites at any time what so ever due to controversial reasons. NOTICE OF LEGALITY If any information was disclosed from this website to any corporation/company or any entity. It would violate the terms and agreements to this website. The information would have been obtained illegally and is not admissible in a court of law. NOTICE OF VULGARITY Some information viewed on this website may contain vulgar material that you may not be familiar with or which you do not want to be seen. You also agree that you are above the age of sixteen. NOTICE OF PERSONAL USAGE By accepting this agreement you become a guest to this private web domain so long as you do not violate any terms and agreements as listed. And you agree to respect all staff members of said web domain. you also agree NOT to use any proxies or any other by-passing tool to access the webpage. Failure to do so will result in a loss of service. NOTICE OF DONATING By donating to the server you agree to the rules, conditions and terms of service stated below We do not give refunds unless there is a technical difficulty with a purchase. We reserve the right to ban delete or perform any actions necessary if one of your characters breaks rules explicitly or implicitly listed on the rules page, or in any special case that is deemed worthy of these actions. If you wish to donate but don't want anything in return just mention that in the email. Please do not pay anywhere else but here, even to GMs, this is the only place that you can pay where your money will benefit the server. NOTICE OF PROPERTY Please note that any account made for the use of MAHDAVISCAPE for any of it's services, including but not limited to forum accounts, and game accounts, are property of MAHDAVISCAPE and thus may be terminated and any time with or without reason. By using an account, you are borrowing the service from us and we hold the right to reclaim it at any time we wish. Please also note that by donating you are NOT buying your account from us, merely showing your appreciation for our service, and as such you are still subject to rules and regulations set forth by the staff of MAHDAVISCAPE. Also, if you send any viruses, any program, or DDoS attack to this server, you will pay for all damages you made to the server/host. Any harm you caused to the server you will be responsible for and can be used in a court of law. ACCOUNT SECURITY When borrowing an account from MAHDAVISCAPE; you hereby agree that it's security and safety are YOUR responsibility, and that you will be held responsible for any actions which are done to or from your account. You also agree that you are aware that giving out your password may compromise the security of your account, and that upon telling another person your password, you fully accept any consequences which may come of such. You agree to acknowledge that if you receive a file from anywhere except an official MAHDAVISCAPE distributor, it may contain a malicious software known as a "Key logger" & "Viruses", and that MAHDAVISCAPE will not be held responsible for the consequences which may come from downloading these programs from outside sources. You agree to acknowledge that MAHDAVISCAPE has taken the utmost measures to protect your account on our end, and that being hacked by definition is nearly impossible and extremely unlikely, you therefore agree to take full fault unless we can confirm that it was an issue on our end. ACCOUNT SALES AND TRADES As the account is not your property, you may NOT sell a MAHDAVISCAPE account under any circumstances. "Scams" which take place in the event of a trade or sale will not be reimbursed, and any account which is found to have been sold or traded will be suspended indefinitely; anyone found to be profiting from sales of accounts will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. NOTICE OF USAGE This website may contain content which you do not agree to or may not understand. If you persist on exploring this web domain be aware that any person or party with relation(association) to Jagex LTD or Moparscape are not allowed here to view our content. Any person who would disclose information of this websites private features to any corporation/company or any entity(including Moparscape Jagex LTD) are not allowed to view content here. This domain is privately owned and operated with no commercial application or gain. If you use our links or downloads you fully comply and agree to any and all terms on this website. Upon accepting the terms of service you also agree that any rules, notices and or content may change at owner's discretion. DENIAL OF SERVICE Please note that anyone working for, working with, or otherwise affiliated with the following: -Jagex LTD -Moparscape Is not entitled to use or view our products. If you are affiliated with any of the aforementioned companies or corperations, please direct your browser away from this page immediately. Anyone from the aforementioned companies who persists into entering the website past this prompt will have a victim impact statement filed against them as per the NET Act of 1997, section (d)(1), paragraph (2), subsection (A). In short: No one from "Jagex LTD" or "Moparscape" or its Related companies is permitted to enter these web sites or view any content contained within these sites at any time what so ever due to controversial reasons. NOTICE OF LEGALITY If any information was disclosed from this website to any corporation/company or any entity. It would violate the terms and agreements to this website. The information would have been obtained illegally and is not admissible in a court of law. NOTICE OF VULGARITY Some information viewed on this website may contain vulgar material that you may not be familiar with or which you do not want to be seen. You also agree that you are above the age of sixteen. NOTICE OF PERSONAL USAGE By accepting this agreement you become a guest to this private web domain so long as you do not violate any terms and agreements as listed. And you agree to respect all staff members of said web domain. you also agree NOT to use any proxies or any other by-passing tool to access the webpage. Failure to do so will result in a loss of service. NOTICE OF DONATING By donating to the server you agree to the rules, conditions and terms of service stated below We do not give refunds unless there is a technical difficulty with a purchase. We reserve the right to ban delete or perform any actions necessary if one of your characters breaks rules explicitly or implicitly listed on the rules page, or in any special case that is deemed worthy of these actions. If you wish to donate but don't want anything in return just mention that in the email. Please do not pay anywhere else but here, even to GMs, this is the only place that you can pay where your money will benefit the server. NOTICE OF PROPERTY Please note that any account made for the use of MAHDAVISCAPE for any of it's services, including but not limited to forum accounts, and game accounts, are property of MAHDAVISCAPE and thus may be terminated and any time with or without reason. By using an account, you are borrowing the service from us and we hold the right to reclaim it at any time we wish. Please also note that by donating you are NOT buying your account from us, merely showing your appreciation for our service, and as such you are still subject to rules and regulations set forth by the staff of MAHDAVISCAPE. Also, if you send any viruses, any program, or DDoS attack to this server, you will pay for all damages you made to the server/host. Any harm you caused to the server you will be responsible for and can be used in a court of law. ACCOUNT SECURITY When borrowing an account from MAHDAVISCAPE; you hereby agree that it's security and safety are YOUR responsibility, and that you will be held responsible for any actions which are done to or from your account. You also agree that you are aware that giving out your password may compromise the security of your account, and that upon telling another person your password, you fully accept any consequences which may come of such. You agree to acknowledge that if you receive a file from anywhere except an official MAHDAVISCAPE distributor, it may contain a malicious software known as a "Key logger" & "Viruses", and that MAHDAVISCAPE will not be held responsible for the consequences which may come from downloading these programs from outside sources. You agree to acknowledge that MAHDAVISCAPE has taken the utmost measures to protect your account on our end, and that being hacked by definition is nearly impossible and extremely unlikely, you therefore agree to take full fault unless we can confirm that it was an issue on our end. ACCOUNT SALES AND TRADES As the account is not your property, you may NOT sell a MAHDAVISCAPE account under any circumstances. "Scams" which take place in the event of a trade or sale will not be reimbursed, and any account which is found to have been sold or traded will be suspended indefinitely; anyone found to be profiting from sales of accounts will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.